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·        Galleria degli Uffizi:

·        Musei Capitolini:

·        Museo Nazionale Romano:

·        Vatican Museums:

·        Louvre:

·        Centre George Pompidou:

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·        Getty Art History Information Programme"



Musei di Castello Sforzesco, Milano

Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia  " Leonardo da Vinci", Milano

Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milano

Museo Bagatti Valsecchi, Milano

Fondazione Antonio Mazzotta: museo di arte moderna, Milano

Museo Teatrale alla Scala , Milano

Pinacoteca Ambrosiana , Milano

Pinacoteca di Brera , Milano

Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano Milano

Museo Popoli e Culture Milano, Milano

Museo del Risorgimento, Milano

Museo di Storia Contemporanea, Milano

Casa del Manzoni, Milano

Museo del Duomo, Milano

Museo Diocesano "Carlo Maria Martini", Milano

Acquario e Civica Stazione idrobiologica, Milano

Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milano

Museo dei Beni Culturali Cappuccini, Milano

Museo Civico “Carlo Verri”, Biassono (Monza)

Museo e Tesoro del Duomo di Monza, Monza

Museo Civico di Legnano "Guido Sutermeister", Legnano (Milano)

Palazzo Te, Mantova

Museo internazionale della Croce Rossa, Castiglione delle Stiviere (Mantova)

Museo delle Storie Rocca di Bergamo, Bergamo

Museo donizettiano , Bergamo

Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Pinacoteca Carrara Bergamo

Museo Diocesano di Brescia, Brescia

Il Vittoriale, Gardone Riviera (Brescia)

Museo Etnografico di Valcamonica, Ossimo Superiore (Brescia)

Museo Civico Archeologico "Giovanni Rambotti" , Desenzano del Garda (Brescia)

Museo della Cittā "Santa Giulia", Brescia

Museo Camuno di Breno, Brescia

Museo dell’Industria e del Lavoro, Brescia

Museo del Ghisallo, Como

Museo Archeologico “P.Giovio”, Como

Tempio Voltiano, Como

Pinacoteca Civica, Como

Museo di Villa Carlotta, Tremezzo (Como)

Museo Civico Ponchielliano, Paderno Ponchielli (Cremona)

Museo Manzoniano, Lecco

Sistema Museale Urbano Lecco, Lecco

Museo per la Storia dell’Universitā di Pavia , Pavia

Museo della calzatura "Pietro Bertolini", Vigevano (Pavia)

Pinacoteca "Casimiro Ottone", Vigevano (Pavia)

Il Museo Valtellinese di Storia e Arte, Sondrio 

Museo di Storia Naturale di Morbegno, Morbegno (Sondrio)

Museo civico di Bormio, Bormio (Sondrio)

CeSMAP - Centro Studi e Museo d'Arte Preistorica, Museo Civico di Archeologia e Antropologia , Pinerolo (Torino)

Museo Regionale delle Centovalli e del Pedemonte, Intragna (Torino)

Museo del Risorgimento , Torino

Museo dell'automobile , Torino

Museo Nazionale della Montagna "Duca degli Abruzzi" ,  Monte dei Cappuccini (Torino)

Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Torino

Museo Archivio Politecnico di Torino , Torino

Museo della Plastica Cannon Sandretto, Pont Canavese (Torino)

Castello di Rivoli-Museo d'Arte Contemporanea , Torino

Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea , Torino

Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino , Torino

Accademia Albertina delle Belle Arti, Torino  

Museo Egizio di Torino, Torino

Museo di Arte Urbana, Torino

Museo della Sindone, Torino

Museo di Arti Decorative – Fondazione Pietro Accorsi, Torino

Orto Botanico, Torino

Reggia di Venaria Reale, Venaria (Torino)

Castello Ducale di Aglič, Aglič (Torino)

Centro dell’Arte Tessile, Chieri (Torino)

Museo Francesco Borgogna , Vercelli

Basilica e Campanile di San Marco, Venezia

Ca' Pesaro, Venezia

Ca' Rezzonico, Venezia

Casa di Carlo Goldoni, Venezia

Galleria di Palazzo Cini, Venezia

Museo Correr, Venezia

Museo del Vetro, Murano (Venezia)

Museo di Storia Naturale, Venezia

Museo di Palazzo Mocenigo, Venezia

Museo della Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venezia

Museo del Merletto, Burano (Venezia)

Torre dell’orologio, Venezia

Palazzo Fortuny, Venezia

Palazzo Ducale, Venezia

Palazzo Grassi, Venezia

Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venezia

Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista, Venezia

Chiese di Chorus-Associazione Chiese del Patriarcato di Venezia , Venezia

Museo ebraico e Ghetto , Venezia

Musei Civici di Belluno, Belluno

Museo Archeologico agli Eremitani, Padova

Cappella degli Scrovegni, Padova.

Museo del Pre-cinema Collezione Minici Zotti, Padova

Museo Antoniano e mostra permanente "Donatello al Santo", Padova

Museo d'arte medioevale e moderna agli Eremitani, Padova

Museo Nazionale dell’Internamento, Padova

Museo La Specola, Padova

Scoletta del Santo e Oratorio di San Giorgio, Padova

Museo botanico, Universitā di Padova

Museo dell’educazione, Universitā di Padova

Museo di geologia e paleontologia, Universitā di Padova

Museo di scienze archeologiche e d’arte, Universitā di Padova

Museo di storia della fisica "Giovanni Poleni", Universitā di Padova

Museo Morgagni di Anatomia, Universitā di Padova

Museo di antropologia, Universitā di Padova

Museo dell'aria e dello spazio , Due Carrare (Padova)

Museo dei Grandi Fiumi, Rovigo

Museo Civico "Luigi Bailo", Treviso

Museo Africano di Verona, Verona.

Museo Archeologico al Teatro Romano, Verona

Museo degli affreschi "Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle" alla Tomba di Giulietta, Verona

Casa di Giulietta, Verona

Museo di Castelvecchio, Verona

Anfiteatro Arena - Museo Lapidario Maffeiano, Verona

Galleria d'Arte Moderna Achille Forti, Verona

Musei Alto Vicentino, Malo (Vicenza)

Musei Civici di Bassano del Grappa, (Vicenza)

Palladio Museum, Vicenza

Musei Civici di Vicenza, Vicenza

Villa Valmarana ai Nani , Vicenza

Gallerie di Palazzo Leoni Montanari, Vicenza

Galleria Doria Pamphilj-Villa del Principe, Genova

Palazzo Ducale, Genova

Musei di Strada nuova - Palazzo Bianco, Genova

Musei di Strada nuova - Palazzo Rosso, Genova

Museo Raccolte Frugone, Genova

Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Genova

Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genova

Museo di Sant’Agostino, Genova

Museo del Tesoro di San Lorenzo, Genova

Museo “Giannettino Luxoro”, Genova

Galata-Museo del Mare, Genova

Museo Navale di Pegli-Villa Doria Centurione, Genova

Casa di Colombo, Porta Soprana e Chiostro di Sant'Andrea, Genova

Istituto Mazziniano-Museo del Risorgimento, Genova

Museo d'Arte Orientale “E. Chiossone”, Genova

Castello d’Albertis-Museo delle Culture del Mondo, Genova

Museo di Archeologia Ligure, Genova

Museo di Storia Naturale “Giacomo Doria”, Genova

Museo Nazionale dei Trasporti, La Spezia

Museo Nazionale e zona archeologica di Luni, Luni (La Spezia)

Museo Tecnico Navale della Spezia, La Spezia

Museo Etnografico "Giovanni Podenzana", La Spezia

Civico Museo Archeologico "Girolamo Rossi" , Ventimiglia (Imperia)

Museo Biblioteca Clarence Bicknell, Bordighera (Imperia)  

Museo Storico del Trentino, Trento

Museo Diocesano Tridentino, Trento

Museo delle Scienze, Trento

Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Trento

Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra , Rovereto (Trento)

Castello del Buonconsiglio Monumenti e Collezioni Provinciali, Trento

Bunker Museum, Dobbiaco/Toblach

Museo Provinciale delle Miniere , Predoi (Bolzano/Bozen)

Museo Archeologico dell'Alto Adige - Südtiroler Archäologiemuseum, Bolzano-Bozen

Museion - Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bolzano-Bozen

Südtiroler Landesmuseum für Volkskunde-Museo provinciale degli usi e costumi, Bruneck-Brunico

Museumladin, San Martino in Badia (Bolzano)

Museo Storico e Parco del Castello di Miramare, Trieste

Civico Museo della Risiera di San Sabba, Trieste

Museo Revoltella - Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Trieste

Villa Manin, Passariano di Codroipo (Udine)

Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli , Spilimbergo (Pordenone)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Aquileia , Aquileia (Udine)

Museo Diocesano e Galleria del Tiepolo , Udine

Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna, Bologna

Museo per la Memoria di Ustica, Bologna

Museo Ebraico, Bologna          

MAMbo - Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna, Bologna

Museo Civico d'Arte Industriale e Galleria Davia Bargellini, Bologna

Collezioni Comunali d'Arte, Bologna  

Museo Civico Medievale, Bologna

Museo del patrimonio industriale Fornace Galeotti, Bologna

Museo Internazionale e Biblioteca della musica di Bologna, Bologna

Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna

Museo della Resistenza di Bologna, Bologna      

Genus Bononiae. Musei nella Cittā , Bologna

Oratorio di Santa Cecilia, Bologna

Museo di Palazzo Poggi, Universitā di Bologna

Museo della Specola, Universitā di Bologna

Collezione di Anatomia comparata, Universitā di Bologna

Collezione di Antropologia, Universitā di Bologna

Collezione di Zoologia, Universitā di Bologna

Collezione di Fisica, Universitā di Bologna

Museo di Mineralogia "L. Bombicci", Universitā di Bologna

Museo di Geologia "Giovanni Capellini", Universitā di Bologna

Museo delle Cere Anatomiche, Universitā di Bologna

Musei civici archeologici, Provincia di Bologna

Casa Carducci, Castagneto Carducci (Bologna)

Museo della Guerra e della Linea Gotica, Castel del Rio (Bologna)

Musei di Palazzo Farnese, Piacenza

Villa Verdi, Sant’Agata di Villanova sull’Arda (Piacenza)

Casa Natale di Giuseppe Verdi, Roncole di Busseto (Parma)

Museo Toscanini, Parma

Galleria Nazionale - Complesso monumentale della Pilotta , Parma

Fondazione Magnani Rocca, Villa di Corte di Mamiamo di Traversetolo, Parma

Museo del Tricolore, Reggio Emilia

Museo Nazionale Arti Naives "C. Zavattini", Luzzara (Reggio Emilia)

Museo Civico Il Correggio, Correggio (Reggio Emilia)

Museo Cervi, Gattatico (Reggio Emilia)

Museo della Terramara di S.Rosa, Poviglio (Reggio Emilia)

Museo Ferrari, Maranello (Modena)

Museo Civico Modena, Modena

Gallerie Estensi, Modena

Museo della Figurina, Modena

Casa Museo Luciano Pavarotti, Modena.

Musei del Duomo, Modena            

Castello Estense di Ferrara, Ferrara

Museo Archeologico Nazionale - Palazzo Costabili, Ferrara

Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche, Faenza (Ravenna)

Museo Dante, Ravenna

Cappella di Sant'Andrea e Museo Arcivescovile, Ravenna

Museo Nazionale di Ravenna, Ravenna

Domus dei tappeti di pietra, Russi (Ravenna)

Centro Etnografico della Civiltā Palustre, Villanova di Bagnacavallo (Ravenna)

Centro di documentazione della Resistenza Ca' di Malanca, Brisighella (Ravenna)

Museo della vita contadina, Russi (Ravenna)

Casa Museo di Vincenzo Monti, Alfonsine (Ravenna)

Museo Francesco Baracca, Lugo (Ravenna)

Fondazione "Tito Balestra" - Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Longiano (Forlė)

Museo della Cittā "Luigi Tonini", Rimini

MF - Museo Fellini, Rimini

Parco Tematico Museo dell'aviazione, Rimini

Museo degli usi e costumi della Gente di Romagna, S.Arcangelo di Romagna (Rimini)

Museo delle conchiglie e della marineria, Viserbella di Rimini (Rimini)



Museo Galileo, Firenze

Museo di Storia Naturale, Etnologia e Antropologia, Firenze

Museo di Storia Naturale, Geologia e Paleontologia, Firenze

Musei del Bargello, Firenze

Museo Novecento, Firenze

Museo di Storia Naturale "La Specola", Firenze

Gallerie degli Uffizi, Firenze

Galleria dell'Accademia, Firenze.

Casa Buonarroti, Firenze 

Museo  Santa Maria Novella, Firenze

Fondazione Salvatore Romano, Firenze

Museo del ciclismo Gino Bartali, Firenze

Galleria Rinaldo Carnielo, Firenze

Cappella Brancacci in Santa Maria del Carmine, Firenze

Museo Stefano Bardini , Firenze

Museo di Palazzo Vecchio, Firenze 

Museo Stibbert, Firenze

Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Firenze 

Museo Leonardo da Vinci, Firenze

Museo Archeologico e Museo della Ceramica - Montelupo Fiorentino (Firenze)

Museo dei ferri taglienti - Scarperia (Firenze)

Museo della Paglia e dell'Intreccio "Domenico Michelacci" - Signa (Firenze)

Museo di Palazzo Pretorio, Prato

Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato 

Museo del tessuto, Prato  

Parco delle Scienze e della Cultura, Prato  

Galleria di Palazzo degli Alberti, Prato

Museo Etnografico della Lunigiana , Villafranca Lunigiana (Massa Carrara)

Museo delle Statue Stele Lunigianesi , Pontremoli (Massa Carrara)

Civica Pinacoteca "Amedeo Modigliani" - Follonica (Grosseto)

Musei del centro storico di Lucca, Lucca

Museo del Castagno & Colognara - Pescaglia (Lucca)

Museo della Figurina di gesso e dell'Emigrazione - Coreglia Antelminelli (Lucca) 

Museo Etrusco Guarnacci, Volterra (Pisa)

Pinacoteca e Museo Civico, Volterra (Pisa)

Palazzo dei Priori, Volterra (Pisa)

Museo Nazionale degli Strumenti per il Calcolo, Pisa

Museo Nazionale di San Matteo, Pisa

Museo di Storia Naturale, Calci (Pisa)

Museo Civico Archeologico Palazzo Bombardieri, Rosignano Marittimo (Livorno) 

Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori, Livorno

Piccolo museo del diario , Pieve di Santo Stefano (Arezzo)

Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca e della Cittā di Cortona, Cortona (Arezzo) 

Museo civico (c/o Palazzo Pubblico), Siena

Museo di Storia Naturale Accademica dei Fisiocritici, Siena

Complesso museale Santa Maria della Scala, Siena  

Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena, Siena

Palazzo delle Papesse-Centro Arte Contemporanea, Siena

Museo Etnografico del Bosco e della Mezzadria, Sovicille (Siena)

Palazzo Borgia Museo diocesano, Pienza (Siena)

Museo civico e Diocesano d’arte sacra - Raccolta archeologica medioevale e moderna, Montalcino (Siena)

Museo civico e Pinacoteca Crociani, Montepulciano (Siena)

Parco Museo Minerario, Abbadia S.Salvatore (Siena)

Museo civico archeologico, Chianciano terme (Siena)

Museo civico archeologico, Sarteano (Siena)

Museo civico per la preistoria del Monte Cetona e archeodromo di Belvarde, Cetona (Siena)

Museo archeologico e della Collegiata, Casole d’Elsa (Siena)

 Pinacoteca Comunale, Gradara (Pesaro)

Museo Archeologico e Pinacoteca del Palazzo Malatestiano ,Fano (Pesaro)  

Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino

Casa Natale di Raffaello, Urbino

Pinacoteca Comunale di Jesi, Jesi (Ancona)

Civico Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica, Castelfidardo (Ancona)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale delle Marche , Ancona

Polo museale musei di Fermo, Fermo

Museo Archeologico Statale di Palazzo Panichi, Ascoli Piceno

Pinacoteca Civica , Ascoli Piceno

Museo delle Arti grafiche "Grifani Donati", Cittā di Castello (Perugia)

Pinacoteca Comunale, Cittā di Castello (Perugia)

Collezione Burri – Palazzo Albizzini, Cittā di Castello (Perugia)

Museo della Tessitura "Tela Umbra", Cittā di Castello (Perugia)

Museo del Duomo, Cittā di Castello (Perugia)

Museo Civico Palazzo dei Consoli, Gubbio (Perugia)

Museo Diocesano, Gubbio (Perugia)

Palazzo della Corgna, Castiglione del Lago (Perugia)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia

Ipogeo dei Volumni e Necropoli del Palazzone, Perugia

Museo della Ceramica e Pinacoteca Comunale , Deruta (Perugia)

Foro Romano e collezione archeologica, Assisi (Perugia)

 Museo della Porziuncola , Assisi (Perugia)

 Pinacoteca comunale (Palazzo Vallemani) , Assisi (Perugia)

Museo del Tesoro Basilica San Francesco e Collezione Perkins, Assisi (Perugia)

Palazzo Trinci, Foligno (Perugia)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale e Teatro Romano, Spoleto (Perugia)

Musei della Fondazione Lungarotti: Museo del Vino e Museo dell’Olivo e dell’Olio, Torgiano (Perugia)

Museo Civico di Palazzo Santi, Cascia (Perugia)

Museo Archeologico e Pinacoteca comunale, Todi (Perugia)

Pinacoteca Civica Spello (Perugia)

Museo di S.Francesco, Montefalco (Perugia)

Museo Claudio Faina, Orvieto (Terni)

Palazzo Soliano Museo Emilio Greco, Orvieto (Terni)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Orvieto (Terni)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Vulci, Canino (Viterbo)

Museo Archeologico dell'Agro Falisco Palazzo Sangallo, Nepi (Viterbo)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Tuscania (Viterbo)

Museo Nazionale Etrusco Rocca Albornoz, Viterbo

Palazzo Altieri, Oriolo Romano (Viterbo)

Palazzo Farnese, Caprarola (Viterbo)

Museo del Sodalizio dei Facchini di Santa Rosa, Viterbo

Mostra mineraria permanente, Sutri (Viterbo)

Villa Lante, Bagnaia (Viterbo)

Ecomuseo della Tuscia Rupestre, Vetralla (Viterbo)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale , Tarquinia (Viterbo)

Museo Internazionale del Presepio, Greccio (Rieti)

Museo Civico Archeologico Trebula Mutuesca, Monteleone Sabino (Rieti)

Museo Civico, Rieti

Museo dell'olio della Sabina, Castelnuovo di Farfa (Rieti)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Civitavecchia (Roma)

Museo del Mare e della Navigazione Antica, Santa Severa (Roma)

Museo Nazionale Archeologico Cerite, Cerveteri (Roma)

Museo Storico dell'Aeronautica Militare di Vigna di Valle, Bracciano (Roma)

Museo Etrusco Romano, Trevignano Romano (Roma)

Galleria Borghese, Roma

Galleria Comunale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea , Roma

Galleria Doria Pamphilj, Roma

Musei Capitolini, Roma

Museo Napoleonico, Roma

Museo delle Civiltā, Roma

Museo Nazionale Romano, Roma

Museo del Corso, Roma

Museo Storico dell'Arte Sanitaria, Roma

Museo della Centrale Montemartini, Roma

Museo Civico di Zoologia, Roma

Cinecittā si Mostra, Roma

Mercati di Traiano-Museo dei Fori Imperiali, Roma

Museo di Casal de' Pazzi, Roma

Museo delle Mura, Roma

Museo dell’Ara Pacis Augustae, Roma

Museo di Scultura Antica "Giovanni Barracco", Roma

Museo di Roma, Roma 

Museo della Civiltā Romana, Roma

Museo della Repubblica Romana e della Memoria Garibaldina, Roma

Musei di Villa Torlonia, Roma

Planetario, Roma

Museo Carlo Bilotti, Roma

Museo Pietro Canonica, Roma

Casa Museo di Alberto Moravia, Roma

Casa di Goethe, Roma

Casa Museo di Giorgio De Chirico, Roma

Keats - Shelley House, Roma

Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant'Angelo, Roma

Gallerie Nazionali Barberini Corsini, Roma

MACRO-Museo di Arte Contemporanea Roma, Roma

MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Roma

Museo Mario Praz, Roma

Museo Hendrik Christian Andersen , Roma

Museo Boncompagni Ludovisi, Roma

Museo di Anatomia Comparata "Battista Grassi" , Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo di Anatomia Patologica , Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo delle Antichitā Etrusche e Italiche, Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo di Antropologia "Giuseppe Sergi", Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo dell'Arte Classica, Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea, Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo di Arte e Giacimenti Minerari, Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo di Chimica "Primo Levi", Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo Erbario, Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo di Fisica, Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo di Scienze della Terra, Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo di Merceologia, Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo delle Origini,Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Orto Botanico, Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo del Vicino Oriente Egitto e Mediterraneo, Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Museo di Zoologia, Universitā "La Sapienza" Roma

Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Roma

Museo delle navi romane Porti di Claudio e di Traiano, Fiumicino (Roma)

Museo archeologico Lavinium, Pomezia (Roma)

Raccolta Manzų, Ardea (Roma)

Museo dello Sbarco, Anzio (Roma)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale dell’Abbazia di San Nilo, Grottaferrata (Roma)

Palazzo Chigi, Ariccia (Roma)

Museo delle Navi Romane, Nemi (Roma)

Museo Tuscolano Scuderie Aldobrandini, Frascati (Roma)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale e Santuario della Fortuna Primigenia, Palestrina (Roma)

Museo Luigi Ceselli del Monastero di Santa Scolastica, Subiaco (Roma)

Museo di Piana delle Orme , Borgo Faiti (Latina)

Museo del cioccolato , Norma (Latina)

Abbazia di Fossanova , Priverno (Latina)

Museo Naturalistico del Parco Nazionale del Circeo , Sabaudia (Latina)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale e Area Archeologica , Sperlonga (Latina)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale , Formia (Latina)

Comprensorio archeologico e Antiquarium di Minturnae e Ponte Real Ferdinando , Minturno (Latina)

Museo Archeologico , Frosinone

Abbazia di Casamari , Veroli (Frosinone)

Certosa di Trisulti , Collepardo (Frosinone)

Museo della Cattedrale , Anagni (Frosinone)

Abbazia di Montecassino , Cassino (Frosinone)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale "G. Carettoni" e Area Archeologica di Casinum , Cassino (Frosinone)

Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo, L'Aquila

Museo dei confetti Pelino , Sulmona (L'Aquila)

Museo Palazzo Sipari Casa Natale di Benedetto Croce, Pescasseroli (L'Aquila)

Borgo Universo, Aielli (L'Aquila)

Museo Nazionale, Campli (Teramo)

Fortezza Museo delle Armi, Civitella del Tronto (Teramo)

Museo Casa Natale di Gabriele d'Annunzio , Pescara

Museo delle Genti d'Abruzzo, Pescara

Museo Paparella Treccia Devlet, Pescara

Museo dele Tradizioni ed Arti Contadine , Picciano (Pescara)

Museo Nazionale Archeologico Villa Frigerj, Chieti

Museo Nazionale Archeologico La Civitella, Chieti

Museo dell'Abruzzo bizantino ed altomedievale, Crecchio (Chieti)



Reggia di Caserta, Caserta

MANN - Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Napoli

Complesso museale di Santa Chiara , Napoli

Museo Cappella Sansevero, Napoli

Museo di Palazzo Reale, Napoli

Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, Napoli

Museo e Certosa di San Martino, Napoli

Museo Duca di Martina in Villa Floridiana, Napoli

MUSA - Museo universitario delle scienze e delle arti , Napoli

Complesso Monumentale Donnaregina - Museo Diocesano, Napoli

Cittā della Scienza, Napoli

Museo del Tesoro di San Gennaro, Napoli

Museo Diego Aragona Pignatelli Cortes e Museo delle Carrozze, Napoli

Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri, Napoli

Galleria Borbonica, Napoli

Complesso Monumentale San Lorenzo Maggiore , Napoli

Museo del Mare di Napoli, Bagnoli (Napoli)

Museo Nazionale Ferroviario , Pietrarsa (Napoli)

Museo del Mare Ischia , Ischia (Napoli)

Museo Archeologico di Pithecusae, Lacco Ameno, Ischia (Napoli)

Museo Angelo Rizzoli, Lacco Ameno, Ischia (Napoli)

Certosa di S. Giacomo, Capri (Napoli)

Museo Villa San Michele, Anacapri (Napoli)

Museo Paestum & Velia, Capaccio (Salerno)

Museo Nazionale archeologico e Castello Aragonese , Manfredonia (Foggia)

 Pinacoteca Corrado Giaquinto, Bari

Museo Diocesiano, Bari

Rete museale Uomo di Altamura , Altamura (Bari)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale , Taranto

Museo Faggiano, Lecce

 Museo Archeologico della Sibaritide, Cassano All’Ionio (Cosenza)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale "Vincenzo Laviola", Amendolara (Cosenza )

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Crotone, Crotone

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria

Museo e Parco archeologico nazionale di Scolacium , Borgia (Catanzaro)

 Casa Natale di Luigi Pirandello, Agrigento

Museo Archeologico Regionale Eoliano "Luigi Bernabō Brea", Lipari (Messina)

Il Museo internazionale delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino, Palermo

Museo del Carretto Siciliano Gullotti , Bronte (Catania)

Museo Civico al Castello Ursino, Catania

Museo Storico dello Sbarco in Sicilia 1943, Catania

Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi, Siracusa

Ex Stabilimento Florio delle Tonnare di Favignana e Formica , Favignana (Trapani)

Museo Archeologico Nazionale , Cagliari

Museo nazionale archeologico ed etnografico “Giovanni Antonio Sanna”, Sassari

Museo Civico Archeologico alle Clarisse , Ozieri (Sassari)

Musei garibaldini di Caprera , La Maddalena (Olbia-Tempio)

Museo Etnografico Galluras , Luras (Olbia-Tempio)

Museo civico "Giovanni Marongiu", Cabras (Oristano)

Museo delle Maschere Mediterranee , Mamojada (Nuoro)

Museo Deleddiano - Casa natale di Grazia Deledda, Nuoro


(Museum Documentation Center, Zagreb)


Archaeological Museum of Istria, Pula

Archaeological Museum, Split

Dubrovnik Archaeological Museum

Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments, Split

Archaeological Museum, Zadar

Archaeological Museum, Zagreb

Archaeological site Vela spila



Ethnographic Museum Rupe, Dubrovnik

Etnographic Museum, Zagreb

Etnographic Museum Of Istria, Pazin

Split Etnographic Museum


Croatian History Museum, Zagreb

Maritime and Historical Museum of the Hrvatsko Primorje, Rijeka

Museum of Istrian History, Pula



Natural History Museum, Rijeka

Croatian Museum of Natural History, Zagreb

Museum of Evolution and Prehistoric Human Habitation, Krapina

Natural History Museum and Zoo, Split



Krapina Art Gallery, Krapina

Klovićevi Dvori Gallery, Zagreb

Croatian Museum of Naive Art, Zagreb

Gallery of Modern Art

The Mimara Museum, Zagreb

Theater Museum Collection

National Museum Zadar

Permanent Exhibition of Ecclesiastical Art, Zadar

Art Pavillion, Zagreb



The Varaždin Municipal Museum

Sisak Municipal Museum

Umag Municipal Museum

Šibenik Municipal Museum

 Turopolje Museum, Velika Gorica  

Collections and Museums of the Brijuni Islands

 Local History Museum, Rovinj




"Grigore Antipa" National Natural History Museum, Bucharest (in Romanian)

Romanian Literature Museum, Bucharest

National Art Museum of Romania, Bucharest. (Romanian and universal art collections, paintings, sculpture, graphics, oriental art).

National Military Museum, Bucharest. (in Romanian)

Museum of Romanian Peasant, Bucharest , winner of European Museum of the Year 1996/

'Dimitrie Gusti' National Village Museum, Bucharest (in Romanian). Open air museum of traditional architecture

National History Museum of Romania, Bucharest (in Romanian)

Museum of National Bank of Romania, Bucharest (in Romanian)


Railways Stations

Steam Locomotives Museum

The Technical Museum "Dimitrie Leonida"


Arad County Museum (in Romanian)

Baia Mare

Maramures County Museum - Etnographic Department (in Romanian)

Mineralogic Museum Baia Mare


The Ethnographical Museum of Braşov

Memorial Museum "Muresianus' House" (see also in Francais or Deutsch)

Brebu, Prahova county

Princely Manor from Brebu, Prahova County (in Romanian)

Campina, Prahova county

 "B. P. Hasdeu" Memorial Museum

Ciacova, Timis county

Ethnographic and Folk Art Exposition Ciacova (in Romanian)


National History Museum of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca (The largest collections of archaeology, history and numismatics in Transylvania).

National Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca (Romanian art collection hosted in a baroc palace).


Natural Science Museum - Constantza (in Romanian)

Art Museum - Constantza (in Romanian)

Folk Art Museum - Constantza (in Romanian)

National History and Archaeology Museum - Constantza (in Romanian)

Romanian Navy Museum - Constanta (in Romanian)


Natural Science

History and Archaeology


Craiova Art Museum

Drobeta Turnu Severin

Museum of Iron Gates Region

Golesti, Arges county

Golesti Museum Complex. Open Air Museum, Golesti, Arges county (in Romanian)


The Iron Museum, Hunedoara (in Romanian)


Moldova National Museum Complex in Iassy. Collections of art, archaeology, history, ethnography, science and technology - four museums in one.

The "Ştefan Procopiu" Museum of Science and Technology in Iassy (in Romanian)

The "Poni - Cernătescu" Museum in Iassy (in Romanian)

Romanian Literature Museum, Iassy. Illustrated pages about writers from Iassy, memorial houses in Iassy, Ipotesti and surroundings.


The "Stefan Jäger" Memorial House - Jimbolia (in Romanian)

Lenauheim, Timis county

The "Nikolaus Lenau" Memorial House - Lenauheim


The Museum Colection of Orthodox Archpriestship in Lugoj (Romania version) History, Ethnographic and Plastic Art Museum Lugoj (in Romanian)

Personalities House - Lugoj (in Romanian)

Music House - Lugoj (in Romanian)

Miercurea Ciuc

Miercurea Ciuc Museum


Clocks Museum, Ploiesti

Prahova Natural Sciences Museum, Ploiesti (in Romanian)

Ramnicu Valcea

Valcea County Museum, Ramnicu Valcea. Historic, art, etnographic and archaeological collections.

Valcea Art Museum "Casa Simian" (Simian Mansion)

Village Museum of Valcea County (also in French)

"Anton Pann" Memorial House


History Museum, Roman (in Romanian). History and archaeology collections.


ASTRA National Museum Complex, Sibiu see also Previous Web site. Open Air Museum with the best Romanian collection of wind and water mills, museum of Transylvanian civilization, "Franz Binder" world ethnography collection.

Brukenthal National Museum, Sibiu. One of the largest art, natural science and archaeological collections in Romania.


Ialomita County Museum, Slobozia. Collections of archaeology and ethnography.
Agriculture Museum, Slobozia.  The most original and rich Romanian museum dedicated to agriculture.

Targu Mures

The Museum of History and Archaeology, Targu Mures, Mures County (in Romanian)


The Banat Museum Timisoara (in Romanian)

Old Religious Art Collection of Banat Bishopric (in Romanian)

Village Museum of Banat Region (in Romanian)

Museum Collection of the Serbian Orthodox Office of Locum Tenens of Timisoara (in Romanian)

Military Museum Timisoara (in Romanian)


Asociación Andaluza de Egiptología, Sevilla. Andalusian Association of Egyptology.

Arteguias: Portal de arte rom nico y rutas medievales. Portal of Romanesque Art and Routes in the Middle Ages.

Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid. National Tracing Centre: Goya's caprices.

Castillo de Ampudia: Colección Eugenio Fontaneda, Ampudia (Valencia). Castle of Ampudia: Eugenio Fontaneda Collection.

Catedral de León, León. León Cathedral.

Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias). Modern Art Centre.

Centro de Cultura Contemporánea, Barcelona. Contemporanean Culture Centre.

Fundación de los Amigos del Museo del Prado, Madrid. Friends of Museo del Prado Foundation.

Fundación Centro Nacional del Vidrio: Real Fábrica de Vidrio de La Granja (Museo Nacional del Vidrio), La Granja (Segovia). The National Glass Centre Foundation - The Royal Glass Factory of La Granja (National Glass Museum).

Fundación Gala-Salvador Dalí, Figueres (Girona). Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation.

Fundación Las Edades del Hombre, Castilla y León. "Human Ages" Foundation.

Fundación Eugenio Granell, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruņa). Eugenio Granell Foundation.

Fundación Museo de las Ferias, Medina del Campo (Valladolid). Museum of the Fairs Foundation.

Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Espaņoles, Madrid. Spanish Trains Foundation.

Fundación Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid. Lázaro Galdiano Foundation.

Fundación del Patrimonio Histórico de Castilla y León, Valladolid. Historic Heritage of Castilla y Leó Foundation.

Fundación Pau Casals, El Vendrell (Tarragona). Pau Casals Foundation.

Fundación Pedro Barrié, La Coruņa. Pedro Barrié Foundation. Fragmentos de música tocada con los instrumentos del Pórtico de la Gloria (Excerpts of music played by the instruments of the Pórtico de la Gloria).

Fundación Rodríguez-Amat: Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Les Olives-Garrigoles (Girona).
Rodríguez-Amat Foundation. Contemporany Art Centre.

Jardín Botánico Canario "Viera y Calvijo", Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias). Botanic Garden.

La Pedrera, Barcelona.

Muralla Romana de Lugo (patrimonio de la Humanidad de la UNESCO), Lugo.
Roman Wall of Lugo, UNESCO World Heritage.

Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid. Archaeological Museum.

Museu Nacional Arqueolōgic, Tarragona. Archaeological Museum.

Museo de Arte, Girona. Art Museum.

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Barcelona. Contemporary Art Museum.

Can Planes: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo y Museo de Juguete, Sa Pobla (Mallorca). Contemporary Art Museum and Toys Museum.

Museo Vostell de Arte Contemporáneo, Malpartida de Cáceres (Cáceres). Contemporary Art Museum.

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava). Contemporary Art Museum.

Museo de Arte Jaume Morera, Lleida. Jaume Morera Art Museum.

Museo de Art Noveau y Art Decó, Salamanca. Art Noveau and Art Decó Museum.

Museo Nacional de Arte de Catalunya, Barcelona. Catalunya Art Museum.

El Museo Canario, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias). The Canarian Museum.

Museo Casa Natal de Picasso/, Málaga. Picasso Foundation.

Museo de la Ciencia y el Agua, Murcia. Science and Water Museum.

Museo de las Ciencias "Príncipe Felipe", Valencia. Sciences Museum.

Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid. Natural Sciences Museum.

Museo Chillida-Leku, San Sebastián (Guipuzcoa). Chillida-Leku Museum.

Museo Elder de Ciencia Y Tecnología, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias). Science and Technology Museum.

Museo del Encaje de Castilla-León, Tordesillas (Valladolid). Lace Museum.

Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya, Barcelona. Archeological Museum of Catalunya.

Casa Museu Gaudí, Barcelona.

Museu d'Historia de Barcelona, Barcelona. Historian Museum of Barcelona.

Museu MarÍtim, Barcelona. Maritime Museum.

Museu Picasso, Barcelona.

Poble Espanyol de Barcelona, Barcelona. Spanish Village of Barcelona.

Museu de l'Erotica, Barcelona. Erotic Museum.

Museo Etnográfico, Ripoll (Girona). Ethnographic Museum.

Museo Frederic Marčs, Barcelona. Frederic Marčs Museum.

Museu de Montserrat, Monistrol de Montserrat (Barcelona). Artistic and archaeological Heritage of Montserrat Abbey.

Museo de la Alhambra, Granada. Alhambra Museum.

Museo de Bellas Artes, Sevilla (Sevilla), Museum of Beautyful Arts

Museo Guggenheim, Bilbao (Vizcaya). Guggenheim Museum.

Museo Hidráulico Molinos del Río Segura, Murcia. Hydraulics Museum.

Museo Imaginado: museo virtual de pintura espaņola, El viejo Alcázar de Madrid (sede virtual). Imaginated Museum: virtual museum of spanish painting.

Museo de León, León.  Museum of León.

Museo de Mariposas, Pujalt-Sort (Lleida). Butterflies Museum.

Museo Martí Vicenc: Arte Textil, Pollenca (Mallorca). Marti Vicenc Museumi: Textil Art.

Museo de la Minería, El Entrego (Asturias). Mining Museum.

Museo de la Minería del País Vasco, Gallarta (Bizkaia). Mining Museum.

Museo Molino Papelero, Capellades (Barcelona). Paper Museum.

Museo Casa de la Moneda, Madrid. National Mint Museum.

Museo de la Ciudad de Murcia, (Comunidad Murciana). Murcia Museum.

Museo Naval, Madrid. Naval Museum.

Museo del Niņo, Albacete. Children Museum.

Museo de La Noguera, Balaguer (Lleida). La Noguera Museum.

Museo Patio Herreriano: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Valladolid. Contemporary Art Museum.

Museo do Pobo Galego, Santiago de Compostela (La Coruņa). Galician People Museum.

Museo del Prado, Madrid. Prado Museum.

Museo de Prehistoria y de las Culturas de Valencia, Valencia.  Valencia's Prehistory and Cultures Museum.

Museo de la Sidra, Nava (Asturias). Cider Museum.

Museo Taurino, Valencia. Bullfighting Museum.

EcoMuseu de les Valls d'Aneu, Lleida. Valls d'Aneu Eco-Museum.

Museo Vasco, Bilbao (Vizcaya). Basque Museum.

Museo Vázquez Díaz , Nerva (Huelva). Vázquez Díaz Museum, Mediterranean Archeology and History.

Museo de la Vida Rural, L'Espluga de Francoli (Tarragona). Museum of Rural Life.

Pirámides de Güímar, Güímar (Islas Canarias). Güímar Piramids.



Abbot Hall Art Gallery, Kendal, Cumbria. Based in a Georgian villa, with important collections 18th, 19th and 20th century art. The gallery also has an innovative programme of educational activities, lectures and events.

Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums, Scotland. Collections of fine art, applied art, archaeology, maritime, numismatics, science, industry and technology.

AccessArt. The aim of this site is "Making art more accessible!" It is an evolving collection of online workshops and arts educational activities aimed at all ages.

Amberley Museum, West Sussex. Outdoor industrial museum based in chalk pits.

American Museum in Britain, Bath, Somerset. Only museum in Europe devoted to American furniture, decorative arts and quilts.

Armagh Planetarium, Northern Ireland.

ArtSway, Sway, Hampshire. Contemporary visual arts venue in the New Forest.

Avoncroft Museum of Historic Buildings, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. Historic buildings covering seven centuries, rescued and rebuilt on an open-air site

Bailiffgate Museum, Alnwick, Northumberland. Local history museum.

Bakelite Museum, Williton, Somerset. The largest collection of vintage plastics in Britain, especially from the Art Deco period.

Barley Hall, York. A medieval oak-framed house, with all items of fixtures and fittings are made using ancient materials and techniques.

Barometer World and Museum, Merton, Devon.

Bath Postal Museum, Somerset. Covers the history of the Post in the UK and introduce the key people that shaped the postal system,

Bath Preservation Trust, Somerset. The Trust exists to preserve the historic character and amenities of Bath, one of only 3 UNESCO World Heritage Cities.

Beck Isle Museum, Pickering, North Yorkshire. Rural life museum with displays reflecting the past 200 years. Site has a virtual tour, and the largest on-line collection of photographs by Sidney Smith.

Beckford Tower and Museum, Bath, Somerset. 19th century retreat for William Beckford. Contains collections illustrating his life.
[Part of: Bath Preservation Trust]

Bedford Museum. Display of human history of the region from prehistoric times.

Bellingham Heritage Centre, Northumberland. Preserves and displays the heritage of the North Tyne and Redewater area. Covers all aspects of local history, including: The Border Counties Railway; mining; photographs of W P Collier (rural life in Northumberland between the two World Wars); and the Border Reivers.

Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre, Nottingham.

Biggar Museum Trust, Moat Park, Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland. See list of museums.
[Includes: Greenholl Covenanters' House, Moat Park Heritage Centre, Gladstone Court Museum, The Albion Archive, Biggar Gasworks, and Brownsbank Cottage (home of Hugh MacDiarmid)]

The Bill Douglas Centre for the History of Cinema and Popular Culture , University of Exeter, Devon. Displays on the history of cinema and its percursors - zoetropes, magic lanterns, panoramas and shadow puppets.

Birmingham & Midland Museum of Transport, Wythall, West Midlands.

Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, West Midlands.

Birmingham Schools Liaison Department, West Midlands. A group of teachers who work within museums, teaching schoolchildren during planned visits

Blackwell, Kendal, Cumbria. A surviving house in the Arts and Crafts movement style, with most of the original decorative interiors still intact.

Black Country Living Museum, Dudley, West Midlands. Living history museum.

Bletchley Park Trust, near Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. "Britain's Best Kept Secret" where codes were broken during World War II. See also the Academic Bletchley Park site, including: the German Enigma Cipher machine, the Lorenz Cipher machine and the rebuild of Colossus (with photographs).

Boat Museum, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire. One of the world's largest floating collection of traditional canal craft.

The Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, County Durham. Based in a "French museum on British soil" with a collection of European fine art, decorative art and ceramics, English furniture, and textiles, as well as archaeological material and archives from County Durham and social history from Teeside.

Brantwood, Coniston, Cumbria. The home of the, 19th century, poet, artist and critic - John Ruskin.

Bressingham Steam Museum, Diss, Norfolk. Military museum. Preserved narrow-guage railway, with traction engines, and a Victorian steam roundabout.

British Golf Museum, St Andrews, Scotland. Tells the story of British golf chronologically, exploring the events, personalities and equipment used throughout the ages.

British Lawnmower Museum, Southport, Merseyside. Garden machinery history.

British Library, London. See Collections, Exhibitions and the Treasures, which includes the Magna Carta, viewable at various magnifications.

British Museum, London. See: World Cultures, Compass on-line database and Children's Compass, Current Exhibitions and Education Department.

Brixham Heritage Museum, Devon. Local history museum, with on-line photographs, and information about maritime history and archaeology.

Brooklands Museum, Weybridge, Surrey. Transport museum. "The Birthplace of British Motorsport & Aviation" - the first purpose built motor racing circuit in the world.

Building of Bath Museum, Somerset. Housed in the, 18th century, Countess of Huntingdon's Chapel. Tells the story of the creation of Georgian Bath.
[Part of: Bath Preservation Trust]

Bury Art Gallery and Museum, Greater Manchester. Victorian paintings, challenging contemporary art and scenes from Bury's past. Includes works by Constable and Turner

Bury St Edmunds Art Gallery, Suffolk. Promotes fine arts and crafts through a programme of changing exhibition and projects outside the Gallery, working in partnership with other organisations.

Bushey Museum and Art Gallery, Hertfordshire. Local history through collections of artefacts, documents, maps and works of art. Has a large collection (considered to be of national significance) of works, artefacts and ephemera relating to Sir Hubert von Herkomer RA and his famous School of Art.

Butser Ancient Farm, near Petersfield, Hampshire. A replica of the sort of farm which would have existed in the British Iron Age circa 300 BC. Also a large open air laboratory where research into the Iron Age and Roman periods goes on using the methods and materials which were available at that time.

Cabaret Mechanical Theatre, Covent Garden, London. A museum of automata (mechanical sculpture).

Cadbury World, Bournville, Birmingham, West Midlands. Includes the Cadbury Collection, an exhibition on the history of Cadbury's chocolate and the village of Bournville.

Camborne School of Mines Virtual Museum. A virtual museum of the Cornubian Orefield, covering geology, mineralization, mining history, environmental impact, virtual field trips, etc. of Devon and Cornwall.

Cambridge and County Folk Museum. Based timber-framed building, the museum displays the everyday life of Cambridge people since 1700.

Cambridge Museum of Technology. Preserved Victorian pumping station and working museum on the River Cam.

Canterbury Museums, Kent. Local history, archaeology, and military history. [Responsible for: In Canterbury: Heritage Museum, West Gate Museum, Roman Museum, Royal Museum and Art Gallery, Buffs Museum; In Herne Bay: Herne Bay Museum and Gallery; In Whitstable: Whitstable Museum and Gallery]

Carpetbagger Aviation Museum, Harrington, Northamptonshire

Catalyst, Widnes, Cheshire. The only museum in Europe solely devoted to the chemical industry.

Charleston, nr Lewes, East Sussex. The home and country meeting place for the writers, painters and intellectuals known as the Bloomsbury Group. The interior was painted by Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell, and houses their collection of post-impressionist art

Chertsey Museum, Surrey. Thames valley archaeology. Runnymeade area social history, horology, fine and decorative art and British fashionable dress.

Chester Museums, Cheshire. Based in the Grosvenor Museum, with collections of archaeology, art and architecture, local history and natural history.

Chiltern Open Air Museum, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire. Re-erected agricultural and other buildings.

Christ Church Picture Gallery, Oxford.

City of Edinburgh Museums and Galleries, Scotland. A range of venues relfecting the history and art of the capital of Scotland.

Corporation of London Library and Art Gallery Electronic (COLLAGE). A computerised information system providing access to some 20,000 images from the combined collections of the Guildhall Library Print Room and the Guildhall Art Gallery. Reproductions can be purchased on-line.

Creetown Gem Rock Museum, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. Displays of crystals, minerals, fossils and gemstones.

Creswell Crags Museum and Education Centre, Welbeck, Nottinghamshire. Tells the story of human and animal survival in the harsh climate of the last Ice Age.

Cumberland Pencil Museum, Keswick, Cumbria. A company museum featuring the history of pencil making.

Cumberland Toy and Model Museum , Cockermouth, Cumbria. A wide selection of mainly British toys from c1900 to the present.

Dickens House Museum, London. One of the homes of the 19th century author Charles Dickens. Includes a virtual tour.

Dock Museum, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria. Local and industrial history museum with collection and displays based on the history of the Furness area, as well as the local shipbuilding and engineering works. A section is devoted to the Vickers Photographic Archive.

Dulwich Picture Gallery, London.

Durham University Oriental Museum, Durham. Only museum in UK devoted to the art and archaeology of the 'Orient' - the civilisations of Asia, the Near East, and the Islamic cultures of North Africa.

East Lothian Museums, Scotland. With on-line exhibitions.

Eden Camp, Malton, North Yorkshire. World War II prisoner of war camp

Eden Valley Museum, Edenbridge, Kent. Local history museum.

Edward Jenner Museum, Berkeley, Gloucestershire. Based in the former home of the pioneering, 18th century, immunologist.

Egypt Centre (formerly the Wellcome Museum of Antiquities), University of Wales, Swansea. Includes antiquities owned by Sir Henry Wellcome.

Ellenroad Engine House, Rochdale, Lancashire. The only surviving, complete working example of a genuine steam cotton-mill engine together with its original steam-raising plant.

Elmbridge Museum, Weybridge, Surrey. Local history museum.

Elgar Birthplace Museum, Lower Broadheath, Worcestershire. Collections relate to the life and work of the composer Sir Edward Elgar

Eureka!, Halifax, West Yorkshire. The Museum for Children.

Falconer Museum, Forrres, Morray, Scotland. Local history museum.

Farmland Museum and Denny Abbey, Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire. Agricultural museum, and remains of a Norman abbey.

Finchcocks Living Museum of Music, Hammerwood Park house, near East Grinstead, Sussex. Collection of historical keyboard instruments set in a fine Georgian manor house.

The Fighter Collection, Duxford, Cambridgeshire. Military aircraft collection.

Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge. Permanent collections include antiquities, applied arts, coins and paintings. See on-line shop.

Fleet Air Arm Museum, Yeovilton, Somerset. Military museum. One of the world's largest aviation collections with over 40 historic aircraft on display including Concorde 002 (the British prototype).

Florence Nightingale Museum , London. Collections relating to the life and work of this 19th century pioneer of nursing and healthcare.

Forest of Dean Sculpture Trail, Gloucestershire. Art in a forest setting.

Freud Museum, London. The home of the founder of psychoanalysis

Gainsborough's House, Sudbury, Suffolk. Museum and art gallery at the birthplace of artist Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788), with examples of his work and an exhibition programme

Galleries of Justice, Nottingham. Set in Victorian courthouse, with attached gaol (featuring real warders!), and hands-on exhibitions.

Geevor Tin Mine Heritage Centre, Pendeen, Cornwall. Industrial museum with guides, an underground tour, and displays of original machinery.

Geffrye Museum, London. English furniture and decorative arts in a chronological series of period rooms.

Glasgow Museums, Scotland.

Glastonbury Abbey, Somerset. Traditionally the oldest above-ground Christian church in the world, with connections to King Arthur and the Holy Grail.

Gordon Highlanders Museum, Aberdeen, Scotland. Military museum

Green's Mill, Nottingham. 19th century tower windmill in Sneinton, once owned and operated by George Green (1793-1841), a mathematical physicist and scientist.

Haynes Motor Museum, Sparkford, Somerset. Transport museum.

Hayward Gallery, South Bank, London. Modern art, special exhibitions.

Helicopter Museum, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset.

Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Devoted exclusively to sculpture in general, with a programme comprising Exhibitions, Collections and Research.
[Part of: Henry Moore Foundation, Perry Green, Hertfordshire]

Herschel Museum, Bath, Somerset. The home the 18th century astronomer William Herschell and his sister Caroline. The planet Uranus was discovered here in 1781.
[Part of: Bath Preservation Trust]

Highland Museum of Childhood, Strathpeffer, Ross & Cromarty, Scotland. Telling the stroy of Hightland childhood with audio-visual presentations and displays, and collections of dolls, toys and costume.

Historic Royal Palaces.
[Information on: The Tower of London; Hampton Court Palace; The Banqueting House; Kew Palace; Kensington Palace]

The Horniman Museum and Gardens, Forest Hill, London. Collections on world cultures (ethnography), natural history, and music.

Hull Museums.

Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, University of Glasgow. Anatomical and pathological specimens. Art, coins, books, manuscripts, geology, zoology and ethnography.

Imperial War Museum, London. Also includes the Cabinet War Rooms, HMS Belfast and Imperial War Museum Duxford (including the American Air Museum in Britain).

Internal Fire, Museum of Power, Tanygroes, Ceredigion, Wales. Industrial museum, dedicated to the history of the internal combustion engine.

Ipswich Transport Museum, Suffolk.

Ironbridge Gorge Museum, Telford, Shropshire. Birthplace of the industrial revolution. Including a virtual tour, and the Ironbridge Institute. UNESCO has designated the valley a World Heritage Site.

Isle of Skye Toy Museum, Scotland.

Jane Austen Centre in Bath, Somerset. Tells the story of the author's Bath experience - the effect that living here had on her and her writing.

The Jewish Museum, London. The history and religious life of the Jewish community in Britain and beyond. Based in two sites in Finchley and Camden.

Jodrell Bank Science Centre, Macclesfield, Cheshire. Based at the Lovell Radio Telescope and the Jodrell Bank Observatory, the astronomy research centre of the University of Manchester. Has exhibition galleries, a 150-seater Planetarium and the extensive grounds and collections of the Arboretum.

Judge's Lodgings (Llety'r Barnwr), Presteinge, Powys, Wales. Restored historic rooms, local history, and education section.

Kendal Museum, Cumbria. One of the country's oldest museums - founded in 1796. Its collections include local archaeology, history, geology, and natural science from around the world.

Kettle's Yard, Cambridge. Formerly the home of Jim Ede, a curator at the Tate Gallery. It houses his collection of fine and decorative art, mostly of the first half of the twentieth century, together with a temporary exhibition space.

Kew Bridge Steam Museum, Brentford, Middlesex. Industrial museum.

Kew Transport Museum, London.

Kilmartin House Museum, Argyll. Centre for archaeology and landscape interpretation.

Lapworth Museum of Geology, University of Birmingham, West Midlands. Geology and fossils.

Leighton House Museum, London. The studio-home of the 19th century artist, Frederic, Lord Leighton.

Linley Sambourne House, London. Late 19th century townhouse, home to the cartoonist Edward Linley Sambourne.

The Lion Salt Works, Marston, Northwich, Cheshire.

Lincolnshire Road Transport Museum, Lincoln. Local transport museum.

Liverpool Scottish Museum Trust, Merseyside. Military museum [limited access].

London Canal Museum, King's Cross. Transport Museum

London's Transport Museum, Covent Garden. "Uncover the story of two hundred years of London and its public transport, the oldest in the world"

Lyme Regis Philpot Museum, Dorset. Local history museum, housed in building on the site where Mary Anning, the early 19th century fossil collector was born.

Madame Tussauds, London. Waxworks.

Maidstone Museum, Kent. Local history museum

Mallaig Heritage Centre, Inverness-shire, Scotland. Local history museum looking at the history and culture of the West Highlands of Scotland.

Malton Museum, North Yorkshire. Archaeology museum - Roman and medieval collections.

Manchester Jewish Museum.

TManchester United Museum and Tour, Greater Manchester. Outlines the history of the football club from 1878 to the present day

The Manor House Museum, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. Collections of clocks and watches (horology), costume and textiles from the seventeenth century to the present day, and portrait paintings of national importance, housed in a Georgian town house.

Manx National Heritage, Isle of Man. A multi-international award winning heritage service unique in Europe, combining the management and promotion of museums, monuments, natural sites and historic landscape.
[Includes: The Manx Museum; The House of Manannan; Peel Castle, St. Patrick's Isle; Castle Rushen; The Old Grammar School; The Nautical Museum; Rushen Abbey; Cregneash Folk Village; The Grove House & Gardens; The Great Laxey Wheel & Mines Trail; The Old House of Keys; The Camera Obscura]

Mary Rose Maritime Museum, Portsmouth, Hampshire. Only 16th century warship on display in the world, from the time of King Henry VIII. Includes a Explore the Mary Rose and The Learning City educational resources.

Military Museum of Devon and Dorset, Dorchester, Dorset. Regimental Museum

Mill Meece Pumping Station, Coates Heath, Staffordshire. Early 20th century steam-powered water pumping station.

Milton Keynes Museum, Buckinghamshire. Local history museum with collections strong in agriculture and industry and also those connected with domestic life and local commerce.

Museum of Army Transport, Beverley, East Yorkshire. Military museum.

Museum of Flight, North Berwick, Scotland. "Discover the story of man's ambition to take to the skies".
[Part of:
National Museums of Scotland

Museum of Hatting - The Hatworks, Stockport, Greater Manchester. The UK's first and only museum dedicated to the world of hats and hat making

Museum of Lakeland Life , Kendal, Cumbria. Local history with collections on: the Arts and Crafts movement; Swallows and Amazons, the book by Arthur Ransome; and the social history of Lakeland Victorians.

Museum of the History of Science, University of Oxford. See special exhibitions and an image library.

Museum of London. The largest, most comprehensive city museum in the world, telling the fascinating story of London from prehistoric times to the present day.

Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh. The history of Scotland from its geological beginnings to the twentieth century.
[Part of:
National Museums of Scotland

Museum of Scottish Country Life, East Kilbride, Scotland. "The story of how Scots have worked the land through the ages".
[Part of:
National Museums of Scotland

Museums of the Potteries, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.

Museum of Transport, Manchester. The biggest collection of restored vintage buses and coaches in the United Kingdom, with associated objects and archives.

Museums of the Royal Regiment of Wales. Military Museums

Mythstories, Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Museum of myth and fable.

Nantwich Museum, Cheshire. Local history museum, featuring salt making, leather and clothing trade, and clockmaking.

National Botanic Garden of Wales, Llanarthne. Millennium Project.

National Coal Mining Museum for England, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Industrial museum

National Football Musuem, Preston, Lancashire. Sports museum, covering a journey through football's history, and a themed, hands-on exhibition, examining different facets within the world of football.

National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh. Home to great national collection of European painting, sculpture and graphic art from the Renaissance to the present day.
[Responsible for: National Gallery of Scotland; Scottish National Portrait Gallery; Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art; Dean Gallery: Paolozzi Gift; Duff House, Banff; Paxton House, nr Berwick-upon-Tweed]

The National Gallery, London. Collection of Western European paintings (1260-1900). See also Exhibitions and The Micro Gallery (off-line).

National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh. On-line catalogues and other resources, a digital library (including The First Scottish Books), and an exhibition - Churchill: The Evidence.

National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London. Includes: Search Station an exciting initiative to make the collections more accessible to the public, by allowing their enjoyment and study through thematically arranged highlights.
[Responsible for:
Royal Observatory, Greenwich]]

National Motorcycle Museum, Solihull, West Midlands. Transport Museum.

National Motor Museum, Beaulieu, Hampshire.

National Museums & Galleries of Wales, Cardiff.

National Museums Liverpool, Merseyside.

National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh. "Presenting Scotland to the World and the World to Scotland".

National Portrait Gallery, London. See information on the permanent collection.

National Railway Museum, York. [Part of the National Museum of Science and Industry].

Natural History Museum, London. The first UK museum with its own Web server. Includes: Natural History Portal, Museum Science, Wildlife Photographer of the Year, Picture Library Online, Interactive Online Exhibitions, QUEST II and Earth lab datasite.

National Space Centre, Leicester. The UK's largest attraction dedicated to space science and astronomy.

National Tramway Museum, Crich, Derbyshire. Includes a searchable database of 2,500 photographic images

National War Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh. Miltary museum - "Scotland's national collections for the armed services".
[Part of:
National Museums of Scotland

National Waterways Museum, Gloucester. Tells the 200 year story of Britain's canals through the 'National Collection' of historic waterway vessels.

New Art Gallery Walsall, West Midlands. [Part of: Walsall Museums Service]

North West Film Archive, Manchester Metropolitan University. The Archive cares for over 24,000 items from the pioneer days of film in the mid 1890s to video production of the present day. The work of both the professional and the amateur is collected. The Site has a searchable on-line catalogue

Nothe Fort and Museum of Coast Defence, Weymouth, Dorset. Military museum.

No 1 Royal Crescent Museum, Bath, Somerset. Restored 18th century house in the palladian style.
[Part of: Bath Preservation Trust]

Oakwell Hall, Batley, West Yorkshire. A 16th century manor house and surrounding 110 acres of country park.

Old Fulling Mill Museum of Archaeology, Durham.

Old Operating Theatre, Museum and Herb Garret, London. Displays the history of herbal medicine, surgery, nursing at Old St. Thomas's (the original home of Florence Nightingale's Nursing School) and Guy's and the Evelina Children's hospitals.

Oxford University Museum of Natural History. Collections of: 3 million insects and several thousand spiders; over 500,000 fossil specimens; c30,000 minerals and 50,000 rocks; 200,000 zoological specimens. Housed in a Victorian neo-Gothic building.

Papplewick Pumping Station, Nottinghamshire. A preserved Victorian water pumping station.

Pendon Museum of Miniature Landscape and Transport, Long Wittenham, Oxfordshire.

Penlee House Gallery and Museum, Penzance, Cornwall. Collections of archaeology, costumes and textiles, decorative art, fine art, photography, social history, and local history.

Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University College London. Collections of about 80,000 objects, making it one of the greatest collections of Egyptian and Sudanese archaeology in the world. Based around the collection of William Matthew Flinders Petrie (1853-1942)

Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford. Anthropology and Ethnography.

Portsmouth Historic Dockyard at the Historic Dockyard, Hampshire. Includes: Mary Rose (Tudor warship); HMS Victory (Nelson's flagship); HMS Warrior (1860 ironclad warship); Royal Naval Museum; and Dockyard Apprentice (hands-on exhibition about building a warship).

Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Belfast. The official place of deposit for public records in Northern Ireland.

The Quaker Tapestry, Kendal, Cumbria. On display in an historic Friends Meeting house.

Quarry Bank Mill, Styal, Cheshire. A leading museum of the Industrial Revolution and a working cotton mill set in the original buildings dating back to 1784.

The Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment Museum, Guildford. Military museum

Ragged School Museum, London. Re-created classroom of the Victorian period, and displays on local history, industry and life in the East End of London.

Reading Museum, Berkshire. Replica of the Bayeux Tapestry, history of Reading, Roman artifacts, etc.

REME Museum of Technology (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers), Arborfield, near Reading, Berkshire.

Renishaw Stables Museum and Art Gallery, Derbyshire. Based on the life of the Sitwells, the famous 20th century literary and artistic family. Also includes Performing Arts Gallery with costumes, sketches and photographs from film and theatre productions.

Ribchester Roman Museum, Lancashire. Dedicated to the Romano-British history of Bremetenacum Veteranorum.

River and Rowing Museum, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire. Galleries devoted to the River Thames, the international sport of rowing and the town of Henley.

Roman Baths Museum and Pump Room, Bath, Somerset.

Rose Theatre, London. Uses the latest digital technology to present the history this Elizabethan theatre. See also the University of Reading site.

Royal Academy of Arts, London. Permanent galleries and temporary exhibitions.

Royal Academy of Music: York Gate Collections, London. Displays of the many fine items from the Academy's collections, including a large collection of Cremonese stringed instruments. Other exhibits include musical memorabilia and original manuscripts.

Royal Air Force Museum, Hendon, London.

Royal Armouries, with museums in: Leeds, West Yorkshire; Fort Nelson, Fareham, Hampshire; and the Tower of London.

Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh. Information about the collections, and searchable databases.

The Royal Collection. A distributed collection, mainly in royal palaces, formed by the Royal family, including Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, and the Palace of Holyroodhouse. See also: The Queen's Gallery, Balmoral Castle, Sandringham House, the Historic Royal Palaces and the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London.

Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro. The history of Cornwall from the Stone Age to the present day, as well as the natural history of Cornwall, a world famous collection of minerals, a pre-eminent collection of ceramics, and a changing display of fine and decorative art.

Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire (Salisbury) Museum, Salisbury, Wiltshire. Military museum, located in the Cathedral Close. Housing the collections and archives of the Royal Berkshire, the Wiltshire and the Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiments. Includes search facilities to 13 World War I war diaries and an image database of over 2,000 objects, including 1,200.

Royal Gunpowder Mills, Waltham Abbey, Essex. The evolution of explosives and the development of the Mills through interactive and traditional exhibitions and displays.

Royal Museum, Edinburgh. The history of Scotland from its geological beginnings to the twentieth century.
[Part of:
National Museums of Scotland

Royal Photographic Society, Bath, Somerset. World-renowned collection of 19th century photographs, equipment, books and journals

Rural Life Centre Old Kiln Museum, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey. 150 years of farming.

Ryedale Folk Museum, Hutton-le-Hole, North Yorkshire. Open air museum with reconstructed historic buildings and collections on agriculture, trades, and crafts.

Ryhope Engines Museum, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear. Industrial museum based in a former water-pumping station.

St Albans Museums, Hertfordshire. Local museum service with collections of archaeology (particularly from the Roman and medieval town), social history, natural science, the Salaman Collection of trade tools, and an image library.

St Barbe Museum, Lymington, Hampshire. Local history and arts museum.

Science Museum, London. See collections, exhibitions (including : Hands on Science and Exhiblets), and the new Wellcome Wing. [Part of the National Museum of Science and Industry].

Scotland's Secret Bunker, near St Andrews. "Scotland's best kept secret!" - 24,000 square feet, 100 feet underground complex, used as the government's underground nuclear command bunker during Cold War.

Scott Polar Research Institute Archives and Museum, University of Cambridge. A collection of artifacts, paintings, drawings, photographs, and other material associated with the exploration and scientific study of the Arctic and Antarctic.

Scottish Football Museum, Glasgow. History of football in Scotland.

Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge. Includes material from the collections of Charles Darwin.

Senhouse Roman Museum, Maryport, Cumbria. "Contains the largest grouping of Roman military altar stones and inscriptions from any site in Britain and unique examples of Celtic religious sculpture".

Shakespeare and the Globe. An award-wining on-line exhibit from Renaissance Text Centre, and the Department of English, University of Reading. Includes information on the original and reconstructed theatre.

Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. Aims to promote appreciation of Shakespeare's works, with educational activities at all levels. Maintains the five houses directly connected with the dramatist and his family, and has a museum and library of books, manuscripts and records of local historic interest.

Sheffield Industrial Museums Trust , South Yorkshire. Operates three important museums dedicated to the industrial and social history of Sheffield - "City of Steel".

Sherlock Holmes Museum, London

Show Me. The children's section of the 24 Hour Museum. Showcases all of the great interactive content being created by UK museums and galleries for children. Although designed to appeal to children the site has also been re-organised to display content by theme - which means content can be searched for quickly and easily by teachers.

Shrewsbury Museums Service, Shropshire.

Southwold Museum, Suffolk. Local history museum, based in 17th century cottages.

Spode Museum, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. Oldest English pottery, ceramics, bone china, earthenware.

Staffordshire Past Track. A prototype website featuring a searchable archive of resources (limited to Stafford District). Also on-line exhibitions on: A Thousand Years of Staffordshire Churches, Celebrations, In Loving Memory, William Palmer, Coal Mining in North Staffordshire, and Birth Rights.

Stanley Spencer Gallery, Cookham, Berkshire. The only gallery in Britain devoted exclusively to an artist in the village where he was born and spent most of his working life.

STEAM - Museum of the Great Western Railway, Swindon, Wiltshire. Transport museum.

Sussex Past. The website for the Sussex Archaeological Society. See also educational site: Romans in Sussex. [Responsible for: Fishbourne Roman Palace and Museum, Chichester; Lewis Castle and Barbican House Museum; Anne of Cleves House, Lewes; Michelham Priory, Upper Dicker; Marlipins Museum, Shoreham-by-Sea; The Priest House, West Hoathly ]

Swaledale Folk Museum, Reeth, near Richmond, North Yorkshire. Stone walls, village life, lead mining, sheep and cattle farming, etc.

Taigh Chearsabhagh Museum and Arts Centre, Lochmaddy, North Uist, Western Isles, Scotland. Local history museum and art collections.

Tangmere Military Aviation Museum, Chichester, West Sussex. Exhibits depicting 70 years of military aviation in Sussex, with special emphasis on the RAF at Tangmere and the air war over southern England from 1939 to 1945.

The Tank Museum, Bovington, Dorset.

Tate - Houses the national collection of British art from the sixteenth century to the present day, including the Turner Bequest, and the national collection of international modern art. Includes as searchable database of 25,000 works and 12,000 images. Made up of :

Tate St Ives, Cornwall - modern British art in a spectacular coastal setting.

Techniquest, Cardiff. An hand-on science discovery centre with special programmes for schoolchildren link to different stages of the National Curriculum.

Thornbury Museum, Gloucestershire. Local history museum.

Tiverton Museum, Devon. Local history museum.

Towneley Hall Art Gallery and Museums, Burnley, Lancashire. A country house museum, set in parkland. Includes a Natural History Centre and a Museum of Local Crafts.

The Trolleybus Museum at Sandtoft, Doncaster South Yorkshire. Transport museum.

Trowbridge Museum, Wiltshire. Local history museum, including the story of the town's once dominant woollen cloth industry, its people and businesses.

Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle, Cumbria. Collections of fine and decorative art, human history and natural sciences.
Tunbridge Wells Museum and Art Gallery, Kent. Displays of Tunbridge ware, local history, dolls and toys, natural history, and frquently changing exhibitions of art and craft.

Tutankhamun Exhibition, Dorchester, Dorset. The Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankamun's tomb, treasures and mummy are recreated in a permanent exhibition.

Tyne & Wear Museums, Newcastle. A major, regional museum and art gallery service.

University College London Collections. The portal site for UCL's various collections: Science; Grant Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy; Institute of Archaeology; Geological Sciences; Art; Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology.

University of Bristol Theatre Collection. Dedicated to the study of British theatre history, with collections of original documents, photographs and artefacts from theatres, actors, designers.

University Museum of Zoology Cambridge. Part of the Department of Zoology, it houses an extensive collection of scientifically important zoological material Designated as being of outstanding national and international significance.

Vale and Downland Museum, Wantage, Oxfordshire.

Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), London. The largest museum of the decorative arts in the world.
[Responsible for the
Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood, the Theatre Museum, and Apsley House, The Wellington Museum. See also the National Art Library].

Vintage Carriages Trust, Ingrow, Keighley, West Yorkshire. Transport museum with a collection historic railway carriages, small steam locomotives, rail tank wagons, railway posters and other railway relics. Includes database of over 3,800 railway carriages with over 3,00 images.

Violette Szabo GC Museum, Wormelow, Herefordshire. Tells the story of the World War II British secret agent.

Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire. French Renaissance-style château was built at the end of the last century for Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild to display his vast collection of 18th Century art treasure.

The Wallace Collection, Hertford House, London. Paintings (especially French 18th century), miniatures, decorative arts, arms and armour.

Wallingford Museum, Oxfordshire.

Watts Gallery, Compton, Surrey. The memorial gallery to George Frederic Watts, the Victorian artist and sculptor.

Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, Chichester, West Sussex. A unique collection of over 40 domestice and agricultural buildings dating from the 13th to the 19th century.

Wellington Aviation Museum, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire. Military museum.

Welsh Industrial & Maritime Collections, Cardiff. [Part of National Museums & Galleries of Wales].

Welsh Slate Museum, Llanberis. Industrial Museum. [Part of National Museums & Galleries of Wales].

Westonzoyland Pumping Station Museum, Somerset. Large collection of stationary steam engines and land drainage items.

Wheal Martyn China Clay Museum, near St Austell, Cornwall. Heritage centre.

Whipple Museum of the History of Science, University of Cambridge. Collections include: scientific instruments, apparatus, models, pictures, prints, photographs, books, and other material from the medieval period to the present day.

Whitby Museum, North Yorkshire, Local history, geology and archaeology museum

Whitechapel Art Gallery, London. Temporary exhibitions of modern and contemporary art.

Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Museum, London. "Offers a glimpse of how the gentle game of Lawn Tennis, once all the rage on the lawns of Victorian England and with origins that go far back to medieval Royal Tennis, has become a multi-million dollar professional sport, played all over the world."

The Wordsworth Museum, Dove Cottage, Grasmere, Cumbria. Maintained by the Wordsworth Trust.

The World of Glass, St.Helens, Merseyside. Celebrates the past, present and future of glass and the glass industry.

York Museums Trust.
[Responsible for: York Art Gallery, York St Mary's, York Castle Museum, and Yorkshire Museum & Gardens]

Acknowledgement: This page was originally set up by Jonathan Bowen in 1995 as part of the Virtual Library museums pages (VLmp). Since June 1998 it has been maintained by mda the UK.